Navigating NDIS plan management can be complex, especially when it comes to understanding the extent of access your plan manager has to your NDIS plan. Here, we’ll debunk some common myths and clarify why it’s essential for plan managers to have comprehensive access to your plan.
Misconception 1: Plan Managers Automatically Receive Your NDIS Plan
Many people believe that the NDIS automatically shares your plan with your plan manager, but this isn't true. Due to privacy regulations, plan managers can only access your plan with your explicit permission. You must request a copy of your plan from the NDIS and authorize your plan manager to access it.
Granting your plan manager access early on ensures they understand your funding, supports, and allocations fully. Plan managers are bound by confidentiality agreements, so they won’t share your information without your consent.
Misconception 2: The NDIS Will Send You a Copy of Your Plan Without Request
While the NDIS will provide you with a copy of your plan, you often need to request it. Given the large number of participants and plans, the NDIS might not automatically send your plan to you. You can request your plan via phone or email.
Your plan manager, support coordinator, and the NDIS are there to help, but you might need to take the initiative to request information. The NDIS website also offers a wealth of information.
Misconception 3: My Plan Manager Already Has All the Information They Need
Whether you’re new to using a plan manager or have been working with one for a while, it’s crucial to ensure they have all the necessary documentation, especially if there have been updates to your plan.
Having complete information allows plan managers to ensure your funding is correctly allocated.
Your plan manager can also review your allocations and, when permitted, adjust your funds as needed. Some categories are flexible, allowing funds to be reallocated to other supports if necessary. Your plan manager can review this with you and identify supports eligible for reallocation.
If you're ever uncertain about what documentation your manager has, it's better to provide them with all the information regarding your NDIS plan.